Political parties are like co-operative societies
Dalip Singh Wasan, Advocate.
After the invention of concept of democracy, political parties came into being or we can say the people who were politicians gave birth to this concept of democracy in the world. The politicians wanted their absorption and for that purpose they introduced the system of elections and then they established this voting system and when voting system was there, they needed candidates. The voters were already existing and they needed candidates. They formed the present party system. Some people joined together like people joining co-operative societies and they distributed the status amongst each other. Some were appointed as presidents, some as vice presidents, some general secretaries and some were enrolled as executive members. Others were enrolled as ordinary members.
They are the people who started taking places of rajas, maharajas, monarchs and then even the imperialists. They started election system and they are the people who enabled themselves to stand as candidates and all the people were converted as voters. We have noted that these people could take the position of rajas, maharajas, monarchs and the imperialists and the people at large became simple voters. At the time of elections these political parties came forward and started raising false and empty slogans and thus they could attract people and could get their votes. The people i.e. the political party which could win majority could form a government and the parties which lost or remained in minority, they formed opposition. In India, it is on record that there had been family rule, there had been party dictatorship and then individual autocracy. Now one party having majority has stopped and now the political parties are joining together in alliances and they are forming governments.
Most of the political parties have got no principles nor they are interested in the development of the country they rule. They just come forward with empty slogans and they win elections because most of the people in democracies are not properly educated and that is the reason they are not understanding what is hidden in the hearts of these politicians. They do not know that these politicians are not willing to become public servants and that is the reason, most of the elected governments just work in routine matter and they just pass time and then. Where political parties are not having any principles or basics with them, there the people just change the government and they start believing that they have done something great. But in reality they just change the set of people and the new set of people who occupy the seats of power and not better than those who are vacating the seats and that is the reason the governments go on without any progress in the country.
The people in politics have formed these co-operative societies and they have distributed seats amongst themselves. They are allowing others to enter the parties, but against admission fee and sometime they sell the party tickets and sometime they also sell the ministries. They divide the money they collect as per their own adjustments within the party and they are also sparing something for party fund.
We have noted that all these politicians with all their separate parties, they are one from heart and that is the reason they are taking seats of power by turns. They may be raising minor objections in the functioning of government, but they do no speak much about the scams, scandals, muddles, bribes, corruption, sale of jobs, quotas and the licences. They know that tomorrow their turn shall come and they too shall be doing the same crimes, therefore, they are not speaking against these items and that is the reason that in most of the countries public funds had been misutilised or mis-appropriated, but none has gone to jail nor this money had ever been confiscated or refunded to the state exchequer. Who so ever had collected money that remained with him and that is the reason this class of politicians have turned rich in such democracies.
Since there is no alternative, the people are bearing all this bungling and they are not shifting once again to the rule of rajas, maharajas, monarchs and the imperialists. No body knows what shall be the next form of government, but it seems these politicians shall not leave this field and now more and more people are joining this line because it gives money and power both and the man starts running in crores. That is the reason that in India there had been a family rule, there had been a party dictatorship and then there had been individual autocracy. Now we are running in alliance system, but here too people are taken in on their merits, but they are taken in on the basis of their strength in the government. Till these politicians rule a country, we would not find people on merits and we should not expect any major development in the country The politicians would never allow intelligent, wise and meritorious people in the parties because once such entries are allowed, the people without merits shall have to be ousted and such a course is not favouring them. The politicians are not there to serve the nation, but they have taken up this line as a profession, trade, calling and employment and they are investing huge amounts just to win elections and form a government. Then they divide ministries as is done in a partnership business.
October 19, 2009
By Dalip Singh Wasan
Government Politics
Dalip Singh Wasan, Advocate.
After the invention of concept of democracy, political parties came into being or we can say the people who were politicians gave birth to this concept of democracy in the world. The politicians wanted their absorption and for that purpose they introduced the system of elections and then they established this voting system and when voting system was there, they needed candidates. The voters were already existing and they needed candidates. They formed the present party system. Some people joined together like people joining co-operative societies and they distributed the status amongst each other. Some were appointed as presidents, some as vice presidents, some general secretaries and some were enrolled as executive members. Others were enrolled as ordinary members.
They are the people who started taking places of rajas, maharajas, monarchs and then even the imperialists. They started election system and they are the people who enabled themselves to stand as candidates and all the people were converted as voters. We have noted that these people could take the position of rajas, maharajas, monarchs and the imperialists and the people at large became simple voters. At the time of elections these political parties came forward and started raising false and empty slogans and thus they could attract people and could get their votes. The people i.e. the political party which could win majority could form a government and the parties which lost or remained in minority, they formed opposition. In India, it is on record that there had been family rule, there had been party dictatorship and then individual autocracy. Now one party having majority has stopped and now the political parties are joining together in alliances and they are forming governments.
Most of the political parties have got no principles nor they are interested in the development of the country they rule. They just come forward with empty slogans and they win elections because most of the people in democracies are not properly educated and that is the reason they are not understanding what is hidden in the hearts of these politicians. They do not know that these politicians are not willing to become public servants and that is the reason, most of the elected governments just work in routine matter and they just pass time and then. Where political parties are not having any principles or basics with them, there the people just change the government and they start believing that they have done something great. But in reality they just change the set of people and the new set of people who occupy the seats of power and not better than those who are vacating the seats and that is the reason the governments go on without any progress in the country.
The people in politics have formed these co-operative societies and they have distributed seats amongst themselves. They are allowing others to enter the parties, but against admission fee and sometime they sell the party tickets and sometime they also sell the ministries. They divide the money they collect as per their own adjustments within the party and they are also sparing something for party fund.
We have noted that all these politicians with all their separate parties, they are one from heart and that is the reason they are taking seats of power by turns. They may be raising minor objections in the functioning of government, but they do no speak much about the scams, scandals, muddles, bribes, corruption, sale of jobs, quotas and the licences. They know that tomorrow their turn shall come and they too shall be doing the same crimes, therefore, they are not speaking against these items and that is the reason that in most of the countries public funds had been misutilised or mis-appropriated, but none has gone to jail nor this money had ever been confiscated or refunded to the state exchequer. Who so ever had collected money that remained with him and that is the reason this class of politicians have turned rich in such democracies.
Since there is no alternative, the people are bearing all this bungling and they are not shifting once again to the rule of rajas, maharajas, monarchs and the imperialists. No body knows what shall be the next form of government, but it seems these politicians shall not leave this field and now more and more people are joining this line because it gives money and power both and the man starts running in crores. That is the reason that in India there had been a family rule, there had been a party dictatorship and then there had been individual autocracy. Now we are running in alliance system, but here too people are taken in on their merits, but they are taken in on the basis of their strength in the government. Till these politicians rule a country, we would not find people on merits and we should not expect any major development in the country The politicians would never allow intelligent, wise and meritorious people in the parties because once such entries are allowed, the people without merits shall have to be ousted and such a course is not favouring them. The politicians are not there to serve the nation, but they have taken up this line as a profession, trade, calling and employment and they are investing huge amounts just to win elections and form a government. Then they divide ministries as is done in a partnership business.
October 19, 2009
By Dalip Singh Wasan
Government Politics
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