Monday, August 17, 2009

Pet Lovers Health Tips for Your Dog.

How to check your pet from nose to toes. You can check your pets coat and skin while petting your companion pet, feel for puffiness and scratches, lumps and bumps

Check for burrs that have accumulated on the coat. Check in and behind the ears, between the toes, and around the tail from top to bottom.

When checking the ears does an unpleasant odor exist? Can you see any waxy mess inside? Make sure ears are clean.

Keeping the nails clipped is important. If not kept at the proper length, pet’s claws can grow into its pads. Have your vet show you how if you have never trimmed.

Pet Lovers
! Never give your pet any medication without the consent of your vet. Many common human drugs (such as Tylenol) are poisonous to pet.

One thing you may want to know more about is what foods are dangerous to your dog.
Many people are unaware that some of the foods that we eat on regular basis can be deadly to your dog.

A piece of chocolate can cause seizures, coma and death.
Even a small piece of chocolate is dangerous.
Anything containing caffeine can have a similar effect and be as dangerous as chocolate, and that includes coffee grounds, tea, and tea bags.

Grapes and raisins can cause kidney failure and even a single serving of raisins can kill your dog.
Excessive salt intake can also cause kidney problems.
Onions can cause anemia by destroying red blood cells while tomatoes can cause tremors and heart arrhythmias.
Tomato plants are particularly toxic to dogs.
Avocados are also highly toxic and can cause breathing difficulty and fluid accumulation around the abdomen chest and heart.

When giving your dog bones ensure that they are raw as cooked bones can splinter and damage their internal organs.
Excessive fat can cause pancreatitis, so it is not wise to feed your dog a diet of fatty foods.
Fried foods also fall into this category and are not good to retain maximum health in your dog.
Certain nuts, such as Macadamia nuts and walnuts can cause weakness and muscle tremors.
Peanut butter however is generally okay provided you use the salt and sugar free peanut butter as sugar can encourage cancer growth.
The core and pits of fruits such as Apple's cherries and peaches contain cyanide, which is poisonous to dogs and can kill them within 24-hours without warning.
If in doubt, always refrain from feeding your dog foods that we are eating assuming that they will be okay.
What is safe for humans can kill your dog within hours.

Call you’re Vet if any abnormalities are detected during these check.

I hope this helps.

August 18, 2009
By Jack
Jack is a 64yr old retired business owner,who was forced into retirement early when he was the victim of a violent crime.Jack found the online world so he could work from home.Its been a long strange trip for Jack ,he loves his dogs and his wife Barb is a dog trainer for 25 yrs. Dont give up until you read this,

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